Thursday 12 May 2016

Life in a new to not make friends and more than probably alienate myself

So, I braved my first soft play sesh here this morning (just with Rufus and Evelyn, Hector has flown the nest and is now a fully fledged full timer at pre school). 

The only expectation that I gave myself was to not leave shouting 'mum wankers' with corresponding hand gestures. Anyway I felt fairly good about myself in a Mum capacity as I actually walked Hector to pre school this morning with all children dressed, fed and happy! Got there and immediately regretted warm clothing, small space and too many over exuberant women all at the ready for some intense educational soft play. I did what I always do, found a friend and pretty much expected my children to get on with it. They did just that (even Evelyn!!). 

The woman running it actually had a big yellow tambourine (NOONE was allowed to touch it, it seemed, even children!) that she would use (regularly) to announce something. Pah! It was classic. Thankfully Rufus knew his role and did not venture to the painting/messy play table, tambourine woman did suggest this in her announcements a few times though. He also was the last child standing at the snack table, and am fairly sure that he actually ate a whole dinner plate of cubed cheese. A bit like a feat of child vs cheese. 

I wasn't prepared for the song song time at the end (or I would've dived out under some premise that Evelyn was desperately hungry/tired/ill) so I was caught up within the tightly packed circle. Tambourine lady didn't use her tambourine, which was a shame as she really did show a great flare. After her opening number she then took requests from the floor which was totally awkward. One lad was told to ask for some 'crocodile' song by his mum, claiming that he 'loved' to sing it at home. (As my friend wisely pointed out it was more of a slow rap than an actual song. I was sidetracked into letting her into my ideas on a Mum's open mic group, but stopped as I realised there was some disapproving looks coming my way as this was not the place or place for chitchat.) Either way, hilariously the lad who had requested this croc song wandered off from his mother's lap in favour of playing near the sink, leaving her stranded on the floor on her own. The goodbye song was not a success, the aim was to go around every single mum there and say their child's name, like in some weird call and response! It all got very awkward. Once I escaped the sweatbox I did what I probably should've/would've done if I had not gone this morning and went to Tesco and spent a small fortune on crap I don't probably need. Nice!

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